LifeSavers Drive

Date and Time: {acf_event_date_time}

Location: Muskegon County Churches

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Muskegon County’s Annual Life Savers Drivers campaign remains one of our most popular events and is an easy way for area Churches to get involved in financially supporting our mission. The concept is simple. We ask your church to post a notice in your bulletin stating that that Muskegon County Right to Life will be present following the service on a Sunday of your choice to take free-will offerings to raise funds for our annual billboard campaign and other educational initiatives. On that Sunday, we ask that you make an announcement of our presence and we set up a small table in the back with a small collection container, some Life Savers candies and some of our current informational literature.
As people leave, they have the opportunity to drop a donation in our collection container, say hello, and grab a few candies to go. That’s it!
We want to thank the churches that participated in 2024. Allen Avenue Christian Reformed Church, Prince of Peace/St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Churches, St. Francis and St. Michael’s Catholic Churches, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Trinity Lutheran Church/Roosevelt Road and St. James Catholic Church Montague and Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic in Rothbury. Thanks to all of you for your support!

2024 Annual Events

We are your friends and neighbors, all volunteers, united to protect the precious gift of human life from conception to natural death.