Muskegon County Right to Life is an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan. We are diverse and caring people who have united to peacefully protect the precious gift of human life from conception to natural death. Our leadership group of board members are all volunteers, committed to the cause of proclaiming the value of every human life, born and pre-born. As a nonprofit organization, we are not affiliated with any political party or church. We strive to be a community resource for area churches, schools, organizations and individuals on prolife issues.
We work to defend and protect all human life by:
- Increasing public awareness on the issues of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
- Offering options and resource connections for anyone facing difficult pregnancy decisions.
- Promoting prolife legislation at the state and federal levels with grassroots lobbying
- Supporting prolife candidates for public office as endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan’s political action committee.
We are pleased to make ourselves available to make presentations on life issues to your church, school or community group. Please call us at (231) 733-6300 or email